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Films     Series      Music Videos   

Unknown Being (2020)











In the dead of night, he wanders, lost and alone, down the cold, cold streets of Vancouver. He seeks connection, a friend, against the lonely night, but there is little solace to be found for this wanderer, this Unknown Being*.

Mixing fiction and documentary elements, filmmaker Inanna Cusi seamlessly blends storytelling and social commentary on how cold and unwelcoming cities like Vancouver can be to an outsider who steps outside of the established norms.

Shown at:

Cineworks blackbox theater 2022

Female Eye Film festival 2021

Whistler Film Festival 2020

Chilliwack Independent Film Festival 2020


Local Sightings Film Fest - Pacific Northwest 2020

Oregon Short Film Fest 2020

Colour Bars Collective Showcase 2020

One-Reeler Short Film Competition - Award of Merit 2020

FCAT Undergraduate Conference 2021

Dream Of Life (2019)











A being's journey through dimensions beginning with the first, a dot.

It travels from birth into adulthood with all the challenges that can come when innocence guides the way into the unknown without looking back at where one came from.

Shown at:

Toronto Arthouse Film Festival 2021

LA Women in Film Fest 2020

Festival Courts d'un soir 2020

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OFFICIAL SELECTION - Toronto Arthouse Film Festival - 2020.png
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Svara (2018)










Password: svara

Noise, sounds and voices all mix together for young wanderer Svara as she moves through the city, listens to its inhabitants and eventually escapes the noise into the forest.

Shown at:

Woman in Nature - Cineworks BlackBox Theatre 2022

Eaglenest Sanctuary (2018)










Two artists take a break from the city to unwind in the beauty of nature at Eaglenest Sanctuary. Learning from the owner and Family friend Ezio, one thrives in quiet and the other gets more wound up

Shown at:

Woman in Nature - Cineworks BlackBox Theatre 2022

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 7 episode mini-series

 Origami Documentary & storygami 

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Music Videos

Experimental shorts

Unknown Being
Eaglenest Sanctuary
Dream of Life
Music Videos
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